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RainCity Analytics specializes in evidence synthesis and utilizing innovative methods to make the most of the evidence at hand.

Literature Reviews

We provide rigorously conducted literature reviews to address a variety of research questions. We conduct various types of literature reviews. For clients requiring an understanding of the size and scope of the available evidence, an exploratory literature review provide a quick way to assess the evidence at hand. Our team also provide targeted literature reviews. These are structured, similarly to a systematic literature review, but the scope is kept narrow in order to quickly hone in on the research question of interest. 

For clients wanting to conduct evidence synthesis, we conduct meticulous systematic literature reviews in accordance with Cochrane guidelines. We help our clients design the systematic literature review that will best answer the research question at hand. All steps are conducted with full transparency to ensure that work is replicable and properly understood by all persons who will use it.

Evidence Synthesis

We specialize in a variety of evidence synthesis methods that allow us to tackle a wide range of research questions. We have conducted an extensive number of network meta-analyses from simple binary outcomes through to survival analyses with time-varying hazard ratios, often as part of successful HTA submissions at such agencies as NICE UK, CADTH, and HAS.

Our team also assists clients with more complex evidence synthesis needs by providing bespoke solutions. These include methods to include individual patient data with aggregate data, such as the now popular population adjusted indirect comparisons (e.g., MAIC and STC), as well as one-stage IPD-AgD meta-regression, including hierarchical meta-regression adjustments.


Our flexibility with respect to evidence synthesis expands beyond the use of IPD, as our team also conducts analyses using fractional-polynomial repeated-measures network meta-analyses and network meta-analyses with multiple outcomes (i.e., where information can be borrowed across outcomes).

Literature reviews
Evidence Synthesis

Statistical Analyses

In addition to the statistical analyses that fall under the umbrella of evidence synthesis, our team conducts of a variety of other statistical analyses, that are not limited to the following:

  • Surrogacy analyses, particularly in the context of oncology. These include two-stage copula methods for individual patient data and robust methods for trial-level surrogacy. But we are also actively developing methods to improve the use of aggregate data for surrogacy analyses

  • Real-world evidence studies from databases and observational cohorts

  • Causal inference within observational studies, including propensity score methods

  • Synthetic cohort analyses to make greater use of data among rare diseases

  • Survival analyses and estimation of transition probabilities

  • Growth curve modelling and latent class analyses to better characterize patient health trajectories

Statistical Analyses

Global Health

Through our academic roots, we continue to conduct global health research. This makes up a smaller proportion of our business today, but remains close to our hearts and well within our mission.

This work primarily takes two flavours. First through technical support to international guideline development. For example, over the past 6 years we have assisted the World Health Organization by providing the evidence synthesis for a wide variety of recommendations in the consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection. 

Second, we collaborate with national and local health organizations to provide sophisticated statistical solutions to answer programmatic and research needs. This work has included partnerships with the Rwandan government, HIV organizations in Uganda and work the Ministry of Health in Zimbabwe. 

Global Health

Medical Writing

Our medical writing experience spans a wide range of publication types and of disease areas, including HIV, Hepatitis C and other infectious diseases, oncology, rare diseases, endocrinology, rheumatic diseases, through to auto-immune diseases. Publication types span from HEOR studies, to observational cohort studies, through to methods papers.

Our focus is primarily on peer reviewed manuscripts and conference presentations. Our medical writing starts with strategic planning to ensure a proper understanding of the existing literature, the gaps being addressed by the research at hand and that the full implication of the research is fully understood and appropriately communicated. Just as important as getting the content right, we ensure that findings are shared in a timely manner and that content is published in the optimal venue.

Medical Writing
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