Steve Kanters, PhD
Founder & CEO
Steve Kanters is the founder of RainCity Analytics. He was previously the Head of Biostatistics at Doctor Evidence and the Director of Research Methods and Statistics at Precision Health Economics, where he spent seven years developing and growing the analytics team (starting at Redwood Outcomes). Steve is an expert in network meta-analyses, health technology assessment submissions, and global health research.
In addition to leading evidence synthesis projects and providing scientific oversight, Steve has helped bring network meta-analyses to settings where they are seldom used. This includes an FDA submission (the first to use these methods) and reviews used by the World Health Organization to inform their HIV and HCV clinical and operational guidelines. Throughout these roles, Steve has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles. He has also worked with international partners from both developing and developed nations, even spending time in sub-Saharan Africa helping bring world-class statistical capacities to settings that lack them.
Steve obtained his BSc (Honours) in Probability and Statistics from McGill University, his MSc in Statistics from the University of British Columbia, and his PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of British Columbia.
(778) 840-7727